Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Egg-less Cookie Dough

Okay, so maybe this can't be classified as a "healthy" dessert, but at least it won't give you anything extremely dangerous, like the regular, "raw" stuff! I find a spoonful of this to be the perfect way to satisfy my cookie dough cravings, which appear more often than you might think... It is wonderful on top of ice cream as well. Are you sold yet? Just in case you aren't, let's check out the lists below...

Shall we compare the dangers?

Regular, Raw Cookie Dough:
  • harmful bacteria
  • stomach cramping
  • extra E. coli
  • salmonella
  • digestive distress
  • etc.
Egg-less Cookie Dough:
  • possible addiction 
  • possible bliss-induced coma after consumption...
  • ...that's all I've got
I think we have a winner, y'all! Keep in mind, this is to be consumed in moderation. (self control, self control, self control...)

1 stick unsalted butter, softened (Channeling Paula Deen yet? Just embrace it...)
3/4 cups packed brown sugar
1/2 tsp of salt
1.5 tsp vanilla
1 cup all-purpose flour (Swap for gluten-free, if that's your thing...)
2 tbsp milk
1 cup chocolate chips (I like milk, but semisweet or dark are fine too.)

I have tried a mixer, but I prefer to keep dirty dishes to a minimum, so I usually hand mix! Either one will work though.

Blend together the softened butter and brown sugar. Next, mix in the vanilla and the salt. Mix well.
Next, stir in the flour. Calm down, I know it looks crumbly, but you are almost there, I promise. 
Now, add in the milk and watch it become gooey. 
Told you. 
Finally, fold in the chocolate chips carefully and have a spoonful, you've earned it. This can be refrigerated for later use... because you know the craving will return. I honestly don't know how long it will keep in the fridge, it has never lasted more than a week with me, but it can be frozen for up to three months. Don't forget to try it over ice cream. Yum! 
Enjoy! XO - K

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