About the "Chef"

Hello and welcome!

I am a 24 year old food-lover. Let me say it again, I.Love.To.Eat.  I am that person who plans lunch during breakfast and dinner during lunch...despite the fact that my mother tells me not to (more on her later). I love to cook and experiment in the kitchen. My family calls me the "chef" of the group, hence where the blog name came from. I use the word "chef" extremely loosely... much respect to the actual chefs out there! In my next life, I will open my own restaurant in New Orleans...But, until then, I'll remain the "head chef at home."

Cheese, pasta, Mexican and spicy foods have always been my weaknesses, and still are. Self control is a concept I am still learning (and failing at) daily. Growing up, I could eat whatever I desired and never had to worry about it showing... then came my 20's. I found out the hard way what a diet of pasta, cream sauces and heavy Mexican food in large quantities can do to a body. Now, I am vowing to never return to that dark place! Don't get me wrong, there will still be a few guilty recipes posted, for those of us who can't completely kick the addiction, but moderation is key! The most important thing I want you to understand is that my lifestyle change is all about health, not about looks. It is about feeling better for the long run, physically and mentally.

You can expect regular exercise posts as well, considering my guy is a Clinical Exercise Physiologist and he gets the credit for my newfound love for the act! I am amazed by how it has helped to transform my body and my mentality, and I cannot wait to share it with you!

A few other things you can expect to pop up on this blog from time to time are guest posts on healthy eating and exercise tips by the beau, guest recipes from friends and family members, giveaways and several challenges to help us all reach our full potential (I find it easier and more motivating to complete a challenge with people watching/reading).

I am so glad you decided to stop by and see what healthy living is to me. I hope you enjoy!

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